Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We just celebrated Thanksgiving here in Canada and we want to say THANK YOU for all the LOVE you've sent our way. OH what lucky gals we are to have friends like YOU <3
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Canada! Hope you had a great long weekend, delicious food, and lots of things to be thankful this year!!!

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Baaa the Fluffy Sheep

What do you call a dancing sheep?
A baa-lerina!

Where did the sheep get a haircut?
The baa-baa shop!

Where do sheeps take a bath?
In a baaaa-th tub!

Are you still here? We didn’t lose you from our dry jokes, right? *giggles*


Check out this cake that we made for a lovely lady whose dream is to own a farm and has lots and lots of sheep!  What could be more appropriate than a sheep cake! Of course we didn’t forget to include some grass cupcakes so the sheep doesn’t get hungry ;) And don’t worry – they’re safe to eat as they are pumpkin cake + cupcakes with cream cheese! YUMMM!

P.S. If you follow us on Instagram, you can see our quality control couldn’t stop eating these babies (he had these for breakfast!)

Oh hello! His name is Baaa!

Baaa likes to dream about green green grass where he can run around and have an all-you-can-eat grass.

And when he meets the green green grass, Baaa likes surround himself with it. He feels safe and comfy.

Baaa also likes to hide and sleep under the tree. He spends most of his time under this tree.

Baaa wants to wish a very happy baaarthday to Margi! Hope she enjoyed her special day <3
The end.

Hope you enjoy reading our new blog. If you have any feedback or comments, we’d like to hear it from you! Until next time ;)

Why couldn't the little lamb play outside?
It was being baaaaaaaad! 

Sorry we could not help it :x Promise that was the last sheep joke :p

Yours truly

{ The Chubby Bunny ♥ }

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Our 1st ROUND-UP!

Hello friends!

WOW we have been quite busy lately so much so that we started thinking we might be better suited as bees {busy bees} instead of bunnies! *lol*

So here are some of our latest creations for some very lovely people in Toronto 


Anniversary cake for the lovely lady behind Have & Hold Design: Sam and her lovely beau.
Featuring their super cute pug: Roxy  

Bird's eye view of the cake, sprinkled generously with yummy toasted coconut!


MINI COCONUT CUPCAKES + fresh blackberries for Amy's sweet 16th party 


RAINBOW starry polka-dot cake for Amada's b-da
Fluffy vanilla buttercream + fuzzy eyed OWL topper

 {* . *} starry eyes baby! 

The inspiration for this cake: rainbow pom-pom & owl gift-wrap

The HAPPIEST b-day to YOU!

The OWL concur {HOOT!} 

And that concludes OUR FIRST ROUND-UP! *Horray* 
Until next time lovely friends :D

Yours truly
{ The Chubby Bunny ♥ }